Manifest Abundance with Oil Coven

As Young Living Brand Partners, we don’t “sell oils.”

We show up in service to our people by sharing our own journeys and helping the people in our network solve real problems in their real lives with real plant magic.

This job isn’t EASY, but it is STRAIGHTFORWARD.

The things you have to do to be successful are not COMPLICATED. But they will require you to live into your highest potential as a person, as a leader, as a friend, and as a divine spiritual being incarnated as a human on this earth at this time.

It’s less of a job, and more of a personal development program with a compensation plan.

You have to be READY to do the real work—inner work AND outer work—that is required to LEVEL UP.

But trust me: it’s WORTH IT. Because you know what? You are MEANT FOR MORE.

Speaking of compensation plans, below you’ll find the Young Living 2020 Income Disclosure.

I think this is really inspiring!

One thing to note is that the HUGE percentage of people ranked “associate” are almost entirely people who have NO INTENTION of treating Young Living like a business, they just became an “associate” for the 24% wholesale discount because they love the products!

As of 2021, Customers and Brand Partners are now classified separately. You become a member as a customer first, learn you LOVE the products and want to share them, and when you’re ready to start getting your oils paid for, you make the switch to being a Brand Partner (and total Boss Witch).

So all that 88% of people making $0? They’re not treating this like a business. If you USE the product, SHARE the product, LISTEN to people, share your STORY, make GENUINE CONNECTIONS, provide VALUE, and show up CONSISTENTLY (aka “treat this like a business”), it would be really weird for you to not succeed.

What rank in the graphic below would change your life?


We recommend leveling up to Brand Partner the month after you start your membership at the earliest. That gives you a chance to get to know your products, the Oil Coven community, and to learn how the business works by exploring the nearly infinite array of resources available to you within our member-exclusive Facebook groups and weekly Moonbabe Mastermind Zoom calls.

However, let me (or your enroller) know that you’re interested in becoming a Brand Partner as soon as you know! That way we can best serve you by making sure you get access to the business resources you need.

When you’re ready to level up YOUR life first so you can lead the way for others, click the button below.